Wednesday, August 18, 2010

maybe another goodbye

recently i chanced upon something fishy going on with the people around me.  i realized that it is not that hard to spot that someone has something up their sleeves and it takes just a little more effort to uncover the motives.

well, this time there's nothing really special.  it's just history repeating itself.  this story has almost been repeating itself every year since 2004.  same plot, same storyline, just different characters.  it's starting to bore me.

i dare say i can easily predict the outcomes this time.  everything is within predictable parameters.  i do not need to finish this walk to prove my point.  i have decided to walk at my own pace, and slowly drift apart, maybe eventually be phased out just to become another irritating character deeply buried and forgotten in someone else's not so distant past.

well, this eventuality is no stranger to me.  maybe this is the most diplomatic solution i know of, or it could be just  my character flaw that prevents me from "playing dumb" without being awfully honest to the point of being blunt. i gotta learn to let go of some things at ease to prevent disappointment.

anyway, my stand is firm: what is yours will be yours eventually, no matter what you do.  some (in my case, probably most) things are just not meant to be. period.

it's time to move on, once again...

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